Places to go

Salt Island

Salt Island is located on Strangford Lough just south of Killyleagh and is owned by the National Trust.

There is a Bothy on the island which provides basic accommodation, it was restored in June 2008 and sleeps approximatley 8 persons inside.  It is very popular with canoeists, boat users, youth groups and families.

Salt Island is one of 11 canoe access points on the circular Strangford Lough Canoe Trail. 

Strangford Lough Canoe Trail- Bothy

Bothy facilities

There are some movable wooden platforms which can be slept on, but no mattresses or bedding. There is a small table and some chairs, a wood burning stove, a kitchen area with sink but no cooker. Users must bring their own means of cooking such as a Trangia or gas stove, along with any fire wood needed.

Users are advised to bring everything they think they will need during their stay, including toilet paper, washing up liquid, cooking pots, matches, candles etc. Many past users have donated such items on departure. Any additional donations would be gratefully received.

Please note – the bothy does not have mains water. Users must bring their own drinking water.

No electricity is available at the bothy, however, you are welcome to bring your own portable generator to provide power to the existing electrical fittings and fixtures.


The bothy is located on the South Eastern side of the island near the old jetty. The jetty is in disrepair and not safe for use, however, the area immediately beside the jetty is free from boulders, which allows small boats to land and be hauled up onto the beach. The area in front of the bothy is shallow and becomes mud flats at low tide which has the potential to strand boats until the tide returns. The beach at the North West bay is accessible at all states of tide and is only a few minutes walk to the bothy. There is no jetty here, so if you arrive on a larger boat you may still have to step into shallow water or anchor and row ashore in a tender. The canoe trail guide can be referred to for further advice on tides.

All enquiries and booking should be made through the National Trust at Mount Stewart Tel. 028 4278 8387.