Forest Expansion and Small Woodland Grants Available
Are you looking to expand the amount of woodland on your farm?
The application window for DAERA’s 2023/24 Forest Expansion Scheme (FES) & Small Woodland Grant Scheme (SWGS) has gone live. The closing date for applications to both schemes is set for Thursday, 31st August 2023. If you have a registered DAERA Farm Business ID, then these grants are the standout choice in respect of new woodland creation funding support, but even if you don’t have a Farm ID or aren’t eligible for either of these grants for whatever reason, please still contact our partners at the Woodland Trust, because there are loads of other ways they can support new woodland creation/tree planting.
PDF versions of the following booklets can be downloaded here:
- SWGS information booklet
- SWGS ‘how to apply’ guide
- FES information booklet
- List of NI forestry services & suppliers
and more information is available on the forestry grants section of DAERA’s website :