Delivering EPIC Moments – Newry, Mourne and Down Tourism
Newry, Mourne and Down District Council has just completed a 5-year Tourism Strategy for the District. The focus of the strategy is on developing visitor destination experiences that will deliver ‘EPIC MOMENTS’.
Travel trends are showing that visitors are booking more than just a “trip” or a “holiday”…. they are booking experiences. They want to really experience the sense of the place. They want to meet the people, hear our stories and build real memories.
To initiate delivery of experiences that will deliver EPIC Moments Newry, Mourne and Down District Council are holding two EPIC Experience Workshops:
- 4 April 2017 – Canal Court Hotel, Newry 10am – 1pm followed by a a sample EPIC Experience Workshop 1pm – 4pm
- 5 April 2017- Winterfell, Castle Ward Demesne, Strangford 10am – 1pm followed by a a sample EPIC Experience Workshop 1pm – 4pm
At these workshops we’ll be brainstorming to create EPIC experiences to sell nationally and Internationally. We’ll look at what is working for other similar destinations and what would appeal to visitors to Northern Ireland. We have so much to offer in terms of scenic beauty, activities, history and stories… these workshops are a step towards bringing what we have to offer to the wider market.
Please indicate which session you will attend by contacting:
- Newry Visitor Information Centre at 028 3031 3170 or OR
- Newcastle Visitor Information Centre at 028 4372 2222 or