How to Help

Record your Wildlife Sightings

A very important way that we can all help to conserve and protect our biodiversity, is by reporting our sightings. This helps build a picture of the populations of threatened and priority species.

All species reports can be reported to CEDaR. The Centre for Environmental Data and Recording (CEDaR)

CEDaR is responsible for collecting, collating, managing and disseminating records of terrestrial, freshwater and marine species for Northern Ireland.

However, for some species you can also report you sightings to specialist organisations. See details below.

Record your wildlife sightings!
  📍CEDaR Online Recording
Submit records directly to CEDaR via our Recording website. You can submit a single record or a full species list, alongside a photo, description and habitat information. Your record will be reviewed by an assigned expert and sent to the NBN Atlas Northern Ireland along with all other verified records on a monthly basis. 

📍Swift sightings 
Help us understand the Swift population in Northern Ireland by recording your sightings.

📍Owl sightings 
Report your Owl sightings to Ulster Wildlife.

📍Report Red Kite Sightings 
The RSPB NI Red Kite Project may have officially ended but you are still invited to send in your sightings reports. After having been extinct in the wild for over 200 years, as a result of this project 20 breeding pairs were recorded in 2017. Please report your sightings.

📍Report Squirrel Sightings
Have you seen Pine Martens or Squirrels on the Ards Peninsula? Report sightings to: (including details of time & location) Toby Edwards, Area Ranger, Mount Stewart, National Trust
Twitter: @NTRangerToby 

For all other Squirrel and Pine Marten sighting please report to Ulster Wildlife here.

📍Report Hedgehog Sightings
If you’ve seen a hedgehog snuffling about your garden or sadly lying dead on the roadside, we want to hear about it.  This information will help us monitor hedgehogs across Northern Ireland. One of the issues we face in Northern Ireland is a lack of data and information on the status of hedgehogs. Since 2021 Ulster Wildlife has been working alongside NUI Galway through the Irish Hedgehog Survey. 

📍 INaturalist
Install the INaturalist app on your mobile device for easy recording. Every observation can contribute to biodiversity science, from the rarest butterfly to the most common backyard weed. INaturalist will share your findings with scientific data repositories like the Global Biodiversity Information Facility to help scientists find and use your data. All you have to do is observe.

📍 iRecord
Submit records in the field by downloading the iRecord phone app. It’s easy, all you have to do is take a photo and assign taxon details and the app does the rest for you! Once again, your record will be reviewed by an expert and uploaded to the CEDaR database. 

📍Bat Helpline
Contact the Northern Ireland Bat Group if you have a Bat Roost in your house or garden.