About us

Our Governance

Our Governance

The Strangford & Lecale AONB is overseen by a Partnership whose members remit is to contribute to the coordination and facilitation of the management of the Strangford & Lecale AONB.

The Partnership is guided by a Terms of Reference. The purpose of these Terms of Reference is to outline the key components of the collaborative relationship between the Members who will guide the Strangford & Lecale AONB Partnership.

The Partnerships is committed to the conservation and enhancement of the natural beauty of the Strangford & Lecale AONB as set out in the five-year AONB Management Action Plan. The Partnership’s principal focus is on the Strangford & Lecale Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty as designated.

The five-year Strangford & Lecale AONB Management Action Plan is produced by The Partnership on behalf of the NIEA – whose duty it is to prepare – once every five years.

Strangford and Lecale AONB Management Plan 2023 – 2027
